Five Features of Enterprise Learning Management Systems that Reduce Administration



Enterprise learning management systems have gained traction in the business world for their ability to support and deliver training programs to all levels of company personnel. They are more advantageous than traditional training programs as they can automate time-consuming tasks and are easy to customize. That allows for better use of available resources, expense reduction, improved work efficiency, and higher learner engagement. If you plan to buy or update an enterprise learning management system for your business, it may help if you consider the system features that could benefit your company.

Features of Enterprise Learning Management Systems

Before getting an enterprise learning management system, here are some features to consider for reducing administration tasks:

  • Learning Paths

With the learning paths feature, you can ensure that the learning experience is effective, efficient, and uncomplicated. The enterprise learning management system will use this feature to centralize the training and courses. You can set up a range of learning programs that different categories of employees can use as per their position in the company and their learning requirement. For instance, new employees can access an onboarding learning path, while experienced employees can benefit from certification learning paths to build their professional skills.

You can also restrict access to programs and the flow of courses so that specific learners can take particular courses and take a set learning progression. Each employee can follow their learning progression, obtain the exact training they need, customize it in the order they prefer, and retake courses if they need to refresh their knowledge. Similarly, the learning paths feature can make it convenient for the course administrators to alter, update, add, and repurpose the course content as they deem necessary.

  • Automation

The automation feature is a crucial one in enterprise learning management systems. It saves you the time and effort you might otherwise have had to put in to do everything manually. You can automate the learning paths you want to set up, manage content creation and distribution, and track the course progressions. You can also automate enrolling learners into the system and controlling who can access the courses. Additionally, you can schedule calendar reminders, knowledge checks, and course updates to facilitate the learning process.

Automation can improve work efficiency, motivation, and job satisfaction. It can reduce the administrative burden on your company’s staff when you automate tedious, low-value, or repetitive tasks. You can also ensure that your system security remains up-to-date.

  • Software Integration

You may need to integrate the enterprise learning management system with various other software that your business uses, such as communication applications, human resources management software, and more. By ensuring that the enterprise learning management system has an open API that makes software integration possible, you can improve system usability. With software integration, you can integrate the system with the ones you use in your office and on multiple sites and devices. You can easily add users, transfer data between different systems, organize and share files, and do other essential tasks.

  • Content Integration

Another essential factor to consider when getting an enterprise learning management system is content integration. It should be able to support content from other systems. Creating in-house content or even commissioning original content may not always be possible or necessary for your business. It may be sufficient to license, buy, or reuse content from third-party content providers to fulfill the content requirements of your business. For this, it is advisable to make sure that the content sourcing integrates well with your system. You should be able to exchange, view, and organize data and offer content in convenient bundles.

  • User-friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface can make it easier for your staff to use the enterprise learning management system for administrative and learning purposes. It will not be necessary to get additional technical training to work with the enterprise learning management system or have in-depth programming knowledge. With a user-friendly interface, they can intuitively figure out how the system works. That can enable them to upload content and prepare learning courses or access the available programs and pick up new skills. They can also track learning progress, optimize learning programs, and manage reports on performance, development, and compliance issues.


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