How to Know If You Need an Attorney for Wrongful Termination

What Is Wrongful Termination?

Wrongful termination occurs when an employee is fired or laid off in violation of the law or their employment contract. Some examples of wrongful termination include firing someone based on their race, gender, age, or disability. Another example would be firing someone because they reported illegal activity occurring within the company or refused to participate in something that was against the law. In some cases, employers may also wrongfully terminate employees by violating the terms of their employment contracts (for instance, if there is a clause protecting employees from being fired without cause).

When Should I Hire An Attorney?

If you think you have been wrongfully terminated and your employer has refused to resolve the matter with you directly, then it may be time to consider hiring an attorney for wrongful termination. An experienced attorney for wrongful termination can help you determine whether or not your termination was wrongful and what your next steps should be if it was. Additionally, a qualified attorney will be able to assess any damages that may have resulted from the wrongful termination and/or help negotiate a severance package with your employer if necessary.

In addition to helping you understand your rights as an employee and represent you in any potential court proceedings, an attorney for wrongful termination can also provide invaluable advice on how best to move forward after being wrongfully terminated—including advising on potential job opportunities and other forms of relief such as unemployment benefits or filing a complaint with appropriate government agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Conclusion: Being wrongfully terminated can be difficult and overwhelming experience for anyone who has been affected by it. Knowing when it makes sense to hire an attorney is key in order for them to pursue justice and get proper compensation for their losses due to wrongful termination. By understanding what constitutes as wrongful termination and when it makes sense to hire legal counsel, individuals will have greater confidence in asserting their rights as employees while potentially seeking recompense from those who have wronged them.


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