What to Do When You’re a Victim of Workplace Harassment

What Is Workplace Harassment?

Workplace harassment encompasses any unwelcome or offensive conduct that is based on protected characteristics such as race, religion, age, disability, sex or gender identity. It could be a single incident or pattern of behavior that creates an intimidating work environment for the person being harassed. Examples include offensive comments, physical contact or threats of violence. It also includes sexual harassment, which is defined as any unwanted advances or requests for sexual favors.

Taking Action Against Workplace Harassment

If you are the victim of workplace harassment, it is important to take action right away. The first step is to report the incident to your employer and make sure that it is documented so there is a record of the event. If your employer does not take appropriate action after receiving your complaint, then you may need to contact an experienced workplace harassment lawyer near me who can help you seek justice and compensation for your losses.

A qualified attorney will be able to review all of the details surrounding your case and provide valuable advice on how best to proceed with filing a claim against your employer or another party responsible for the harassment. An experienced attorney will also be familiar with state and federal laws governing workplace harassment and can ensure that your rights are fully protected throughout the process.

Conclusion: No one should ever have to suffer from workplace harassment—it’s illegal and wrong! Victims have rights and should not hesitate to seek legal advice if they feel like they have been harassed in any way in their place of employment. Reach out to an experienced attorney today who can review all of the details surrounding your case and provide valuable advice on how best to proceed with filing a claim against any party responsible for the harassing behavior. Don’t wait—take action now!


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